Monday, February 6, 2012


i dont really have much to say right now but i might as well get this started. me and madilyn are on the train heading back home. most people thought i was crazy the first couple times i started talking the train with madi. she does have a trach but she isnt bubble girl. she needs to be treated like a baby that is "normal." she is a very healthy baby for everything is has going on, has never been sick but i do dread that day when it comes. she is thehappiest little thing in the world. i cant wait for the day i can hear that sweet little laugh i only dream of. i cant wait to hear that high pitched cry, its been a long 8 months since i heard it last. just how happy she is makes me moving forward. i have my down days and just want to hide away and cry but she doesnt so why do i? from being 18 when i got pregnant 19 two weeks after i had her and now almost 20 my little honey pie has tought me so much.

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